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A centered dot (hiCare) connects 5 distinct dots (5C's). That's Hifinite, one of the top 20 telehealth startups of 2020

Find Out How Digital Health Helps Organizations Save Time, Money and Lives

The global reach of modern technology has supported a growing digitalization of healthcare services. The rise of remote sensor technologies is transforming the way different facets of the healthcare system interconnects. Mobile telemedicine allows patients to monitor, share, and discuss important information with providers, coordinate care and treatment plans, and consolidate health data from RPM devices to enhance the quality of care.

Remote patient monitoring (RPM) technologies allow healthcare to continue beyond the doctor’s office. RPM has been shown to improve the self-management skills of patients with chronic conditions, such as diabetes, as recently reported in a qualitative study published at the JMIR mHealth and uHealth. According to Husted, young people who used the mHealth app, YWD, reported that the app promoted self-management by peer-to-peer social support, exchanging messages with healthcare providers, and sharing YWD with, wellness tools, consultation platforms, communication, and interconnect it into a health monitoring system.

According to a report by Pew Research Center, 77% of Americans own a smartphone. Smartphones, tablets, and high-speed internet data networks are making it easier to connect patients with their doctors. Smartphones and mhealth applications are user-friendly, time-saving and efficient platforms for both the delivery and development of innovative, patient-driven, and data-powered healthcare interventions. Health-related applications offer features that capture and bring together health information, such as health education, wellness tools, consultation platforms, communication, and interconnect it into a health monitoring system.

Remote patient monitoring (RPM) technologies allow healthcare to continue beyond the doctor’s office. RPM has been shown to improve self-management skills of patients with chronic conditions, such as diabetes, as recently reported in a qualitative study published at the JMIR mHealth and uHealth. According to Husted, young people who used the mHealth app, YWD, reported that the app promoted self-management by peer-to-peer social support, exchanging messages with healthcare providers, and sharing YWD with parents.

Remote patient monitoring technology, through mobile apps and remote sensors, has also contributed to the reduction of cost of care for healthcare organizations. An example is a telehealth program of the Veterans Health Administration that helped to reduce hospitalization and visits to the emergency room of patients with diabetes. The program CC/ HT enrolled veterans with diabetes who had two or more hospitalizations or ER visits, and who were high risk and high cost to the VA system. The veterans that participated in this program were monitored daily through a telemonitor with two-way audio-video connectivity, a handheld in-home messaging device with disease management dialogues, and a videophone with two-way audio-video connectivity to monitor the symptoms of patients’ diabetes. After one year, the researchers noticed that percentage of veterans who were hospitalized reduced by 50%, and the number of visits to the emergency room dropped by 11%.

Mobile health technology is one of the most revolutionary forces in medicine. At Hifinite, Dr. Dane Shipp is excited about the advancements mHealth is bringing to the healthcare system. Dr. Shipp said, “Hifinite has the tools and platform to support affordable and universal access to healthcare. Our technology is poised perfectly to grow and adapt in this rapidly evolving digital era of healthcare.”


Husted, G. R., Weis, J., Teilmann, G., & Castensøe-Seidenfaden, P. (2018). Exploring the influence of a smartphone app (young with diabetes) on young People’s self-management: Qualitative study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 6(2), e43. doi:10.2196/mhealth.8876

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